
Parsley (petroselinum crispum) is one of the most popular culinary plants in the world that is part of the Apiaceae family. Parsley is one of the seven spices that fight against many diseases, along with ginger, oregano, cinnamon, saffron, sage and red pepper. The plant grows throughout the year in different climates, being biennial (produces seeds in the second year from when it was planted).


Parsley is often underestimated, although it has important nutritive and palliative qualities. Most people do not know its benefits and often use it to decorate different types of food.


Benefits for health


Parsley has many qualities and helps heal various diseases:
– Anemia – prevents anemia due to rich iron content, and vitamin C (which helps absorb iron);
– Antioxidant – increases the antioxidant capacity of the blood;
– Antibacterial (destroys bacteria);
– Improves bad breath;
– Helps to treat alopecia – those who rubbed their head  with parsley have found that this method works much better than other treatments;
– Purifies the blood;
– Rejuvenates blood vessels – parsley maintains elasticity of blood vessels and helps heal bruises;
– Digestion – the plant improves digestion of proteins and fats and promotes intestinal absorption, stimulating liver function. Due to the high content of enzymes, parsley facilitates the elimination of the stool and optimizes digestive activity;

-Combats diarrhea;
– Hypocholesterolemia – lowers cholesterol in blood;
– Diuretic;
– Treatment for deafness and ear infections;
– Edema – acts as a diuretic and tonic of blood vessels;
– Removes fatigue;
– Dissolves biliary calculus;
– Improves the function of the liver, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands;
– Hormonal support – in case of women, parsley stimulates estrogen production, and restores normal blood flow to the uterus. Delayed menstruation, premenstrual syndrome (menstrual pain) and menopause (dry skin, irritability, hair loss) can be ameliorated by eating this plant. Parsley regulates menstrual cycles because of apiol, which is a component of estrogen, a female hormone. – – The hormonal balance of the body is made through the volatile fatty acids it contains parsley;
– Strengthens the immune system – high levels of vitamin C, beta-carotene, B12, chlorophyll and essential fatty acids increase immunity. Parsley strengthens immunity through the complex of multivitamins and minerals it supplies to the body;
– Inhibits the formation of tumors, especially those existing in the lungs;
– Insect attacks – Swelling and itching will ease by rubbing the affected area with parsley;
– Renal and urinary disorders – Except for severe inflammation, parsley is effective in treating many of the kidney and urinary disorders. It improves the activity of the kidneys and removes toxins from the blood and kidney tissues, prevents salting the body tissues, relieves painful urination, edema, fatigue;
– Liver congestion – parsley stimulates the circulation of blood flow to the liver, reduces liver congestion, eliminates toxins and rejuvenates the body;
– Night view enhancer(characteristic for vitamin A deficiency);
– Relieves rheumatic pains;
– Spleen diseases – parsley can treat various diseases of the spleen, but also malabsorption;
– Tooth strengthening – (caused by low levels of vitamin C) prevents gum bleeding

– Diuretic qualities- parsley helps to reduce the number of pounds


Nutritional benefits

Parsley has a high level of beta-carotene, vitamin B12, folic acid, chlorophyll, calcium and more vitamin C than citrus, but many other essential nutrients. The plant is moisturizing, nourishing, stimulates the immune system, improves the ability to assimilate and synthesize the nutrients of most organs. Beta-carotene contributes to assimilation of proteins. This nutrient brings multiple benefits to the liver and protects the lungs and the colon. Beta-carotene is transformed by the body into vitamin A, an important nutrient for a strong immune system.


Parsley is rich in chlorophyll, which has the ability to purify and inhibit the spread of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. The chlorophyll in this plant has antibacterial and antifungal properties that stimulate the immune system to calm the symptoms of sinusitis, for example. The chlorophyll, rich in oxygen, suppresses the viruses and helps the lungs to remove toxins accumulated from the enema. Parsley is one of the few natural sources of alpha-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid, important. Fluoride is found abundant in parsley. Existing fluoride in parsley has a completely different molecular structure of chemically produced fluorine. Dental caries are the result of a low level of fluoride. The combination of calcium and fluorine creates a solid tooth and bone protection area, protects the body from infections, germs and viruses.


Folic acid, one of the most important vitamins in the b-group, plays an important role in the health of the cardiovascular system, converting homocysteine ​​into benign molecules. Homocysteine ​​is a potentially dangerous molecule whose high values ​​can directly affect blood vessels and increase the risk of cerebral vascular accident in people with atherosclerosis or heart disease triggered by diabetes. Folic acid is an essential nutrient for the proper cell division, with vital importance in the prevention of colon and cervical cancer. 100 grams contain 5.5 mg. Half a cup of fresh parsley or one tablespoon of dry parsley provides the daily iron requirement. In addition, parsley also contains vitamin C needed by the body to absorb the iron.


Parsley consists of 20% protein (about the same percentage as mushrooms). The plant contains vitamin B12 that is needed for red blood cell formation and for normal cell development, is important for fertility, pregnancy, immunity and the prevention of degenerative diseases. The action of vitamin B12 is inhibited by antibiotics, contraceptive pills, stress, lazy liver or the presence of some parasites in the colon or digestive tract. Parsley counteracts the action of these inhibitory factors.


Administration of at least 100 micrograms of vitamin K per day may reduce the risk of hip fracture. Vitamin K is necessary for the bones to assimilate the minerals they need to grow in a proper way. Parsley is rich in vitamin K (half a cup, contains 180 mg), and this amount doubles if the plant is cooked. Parsley contains more vitamin C than any other vegetable: 100 grams contain 166 mg vitamin C, three times more than oranges. Flavonoids, part of the vitamin C molecule, protect the blood cell membrane and support the action of antioxidants.


The constituents of the volatile oil of parsley inhibit the formation of localized tumors in the lungs. They act similarly to antioxidants that neutralize certain types of carcinogenic substances (emitted by cigarette smoke, smoke of coal grills, etc.). Parsley also contains: calcium (100 grams of parsley contains 245 milligrams of calcium), phosphorus, potassium (114 grams containing 1000 mg of potassium), manganese (100 grams of parsley containing 2.7 milligrams of manganese), inositol and sulfur.