
Onions are one of the most commonly used vegetables by housewives to prepare tasty dishes. But onions should not only thought of as a food, an ingredient, but also as a medicine. Onions, both green and ripe, has many beneficial properties for our body.


It is good to know that onions can be consumed by people of all ages, it can be consumed during main courses, do not cause unwanted reactions in the body, apart from the unpleasant smell that remains and persists in breath after consumption. A cure with onions can be kept, therefore, throughout life, and it has properties that prevent many diseases.


Benefits of onions


Onions are very rich in vitamin C, fiber, folic acid, vitamin B6 and magnesium, and low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol. So, onions have the perfect nutrition to get rid of excess fat and cholesterol, and at the same time help you have extinctive health.


Onions also have carbohydrates and important amounts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, copper, vitamin A, E, C, the vitamin B complex, as well as substances with antiseptic properties. In the same time, they are diuretic, they help the removal of sodium from the body, and also have the property of calming heavy cough.


It is also well known that onions help sleeping, without side effects. Nervous and agitated states can also be calmed by sniffing a crushed onion. Onions are considered to be the most powerful natural detoxifier, since they have properties that clean the body from toxins.

In order to preserve its wonderful received from nature, onions should be consumed in a raw state, whether they are red onions, white onions or yellow onions, or even green onions. Onions have the ability to significantly reduce the risk of developing lung cancer.


The main known constituents: vitamins A, B, C; mineral salts – sodium, potassium, phosphate and calcium nitrate, iron, sulfur, iodine, silicon; acids – phosphoric and acetic; allyl and propyl disulfide; volatile oil; antibiotic principles.


What diseases do onions prevent and treat?


Onion is an excellent food that protects the body, strengthens the immune system, relieves us of depression and protects us from the most serious diseases. Due to the high iron content, onions are good for people suffering from anemia. Symptoms of arthritis and gout may be diminished by constant consumption of onions due to onion anti-inflammatory agents.

Onion is also a powerful antiseptic, fighting against bacterial infections, but also has the property of lowering blood pressure, helping to thin the blood and clean it with unhealthy fats, namely bad cholesterol.


Colon cancer and lung cancer can be prevented by constant consumption of onion, and onion consumed abundantly will greatly improve chronic constipation and bloating, as well as flatulence. People who suffer from diabetes are advised to constantly consume onions, because of the property of lowering insulin levels and increasing glucose tolerance, and a certain component of raw onion prevents osteoporosis.


Moreover, onion is an excellent stimulant of the immune system and is one of the best remedies against colds. After garlic, onion is ideal for treating respiratory diseases and low libido, being a powerful aphrodisiac.